Post Construction Deep Cleaning Melbourne

How Do Construction Cleaners Clean Walls Of Newly Built Properties?

To make a newly constructed building immaculate, paint blemishes along with dirt and dust from the walls, floor and ceiling need to be removed. As usual, this task is handled by post-construction cleaners. They clean all surfaces, both inside and outside step by step. Here, we will discuss how exactly they do so to give you a vivid idea.

Initial Building Assessment

In the first step, post-construction cleaners in Melbourne examine the walls that have to be cleaned. This gives them a sound idea of the surfaces that need to be cleaned. Moreover, determining the amount of debris, stains and waste materials helps the cleaners arrange the cleaning tools and tailor the cleaning techniques.

Developing a Cleaning Plan

Whether the constructed building is large or small, a comprehensive cleaning plan is necessary. In these circumstances, haphazard cleaning does not work. Only organised cleaning leads to the best results. But for this to work, the cleaners will have to follow the plan and coordinate among themselves so that the interior and exterior walls of the newly constructed building can be carefully cleaned.

Starting with Vacuuming

Now, in the next step, the cleaners carrying out post-construction cleaning in Melbourne will begin the cleaning process. They will vacuum the walls using industrial-grade vacuum cleaners. Depending on the size of the constructed building, cleaners will be assigned by the company. They will be equipped with these tools so that they can complete the cleaning process on time.

Getting Rid of the Waste Materials Near and Around the Walls

In most construction sites, whether it be inside the properties or outside, dirt, dust and debris are a natural scenario. Not only are these waste materials an eyesore, but they can also be harmful to health. These include drywall, remains of metal parts, boxes, empty paint containers, screws, etc. lying near the wall. So, before moving to the next step, the cleaners will put the debris and waste inside garbage bags to restore the tidiness of the walls.

Scrubbing Off Mild Stains

After comprehensive vacuuming and waste removal, the cleaners carrying out construction cleaning in Melbourne scrub the mild stains from the walls and even the ceiling. These are mostly grease-based stains that come off easily with mild scrubbing that does not generally harm the surface.

Detergent-Based Stain Removal

To remove moderate stains from the interior and exterior walls of the newly constructed properties, the cleaners can use detergent-based solutions as well. However, this process will not work on surfaces that have been painted afresh. But if the walls are rendered, then only can detergents be used. Otherwise, using these solutions can lead to wall dampening.

Pressure Cleaning

To remove stubborn stains from the walls of newly constructed buildings, the cleaners will resort to post-construction deep cleaning in Melbourne. This is nothing but using pressure-cleaning tools that help get rid of the ugly spots. However, if the walls are freshly painted, after the completion of this type of cleaning, they might have to be repainted. Since pressure cleaning comprises a high-force water jet, it can disintegrate the paint.

Removing Paint Residue from Walls

Sometimes, for patchwork, painters put an extra coat of paint in a few spots on the wall. But after drying, they might look artificial. But post-construction cleaners remove the same by using a combination of scrubbing and using brushes.

So, these are the steps that construction cleaners follow to make the walls of newly built properties spotless.

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