Tag Archives: Post Renovation Cleaners

Why Renovation Cleaning is Essential for the Health of Your Home and Family

Renovation projects can be exciting ways to upgrade and increase the value of your  home. Yet, after construction work has concluded, it’s imperative that post-renovation cleaning be prioritised to protect both the health and safety of both yourself and your family living there. Here are three reasons why post-renovation cleaning should always take precedence: Elimination … Continue reading Why Renovation Cleaning is Essential for the Health of Your Home and Family

What Does It Take to Clean Dust Off Walls After Sanding Floors?

When it comes to cleaning the dust off the walls following sanding floors professional post-renovation cleaners will use certain specific steps. The vastly experienced professionals offering after-builders cleaning services will follow these steps religiously. It will ensure that that dust cleaning is as flawless as it can be, and the purpose is solved to the … Continue reading What Does It Take to Clean Dust Off Walls After Sanding Floors?